
Understanding Current Practice And Research Priorities In Teaching Writing

More than a quarter of secondary teachers reported having no CPD on writing in the past two years, compared to only 5% of primary teachers.

This report by the Education Endowment Foundation highlights a concerning lack of ongoing professional development (CPD) opportunities for teachers in writing instruction. The report finds that teachers receive minimal coverage of writing pedagogy during their university training and even less in-school CPD.

The survey data underscores this gap. More than a quarter (26%) of secondary teachers reported having no CPD on writing in the past two years, compared to only 5% of primary teachers. Additionally, the report reveals "minimal coverage" of writing instruction within standard higher education programs for teachers, unless they specifically pursue an interest in writing.

Primary school teachers identified their main challenges as:

  • Lack of student confidence in spelling
  • Ensuring a consistent school-wide approach to writing instruction
  • Limited student vocabulary

Secondary teachers, however, perceive a lack of student motivation as a significant hurdle, with 25% of those surveyed citing it as a major challenge. The report attributes this specifically to the emphasis placed on exam-oriented academic writing at the secondary level, which can stifle creativity.

Pearson, a contributor to the report, recommends further exploration of approaches that promote creativity in writing instruction. These approaches include utilizing "hook activities," incorporating "challenges and competitions," and fostering "safe environments that encourage and support self-expression."

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