The evolving importance of DNA at Primary Level
DNA is not necessarily a subject you would associate with Primary Science. It is not specifically mentioned in the National Curriculum Guidelines and there are no questions about it on the SATs papers. Many pupils can live in blissful ignorance of the topic until at least year 8 when they will engage with it as part of their basic science instruction.
However the world is changing and so is our understanding of human biology. There is a revolution going on in the area of personalised medicine and that revolution is based on our knowledge of DNA. Already patients are being treated as individuals, cures are being developed for previously terminal diseases and hospitals are lining up to embrace the new technology. But this is just the tip of the medical iceberg.
In our quest to live longer, healthier lives we have discovered a key to unlock a potential wealth of discoveries.
That key is DNA and those discoveries are the ones our children will make.