
Teaching Is A Marathon, Not A Sprint

Burnout turns more teachers away from the profession every year. Emily Mylchreest was almost one such teacher. Here, she shares her tips on balancing work and life to prioritise mental health.
Emily Mylchreest and her running club jogging in a forest.

This time last year, my mornings filled me with dread.

Stuck in motorway gridlock on my way into Manchester, I would spend the commute worrying about the challenges the day would bring. At that point, it felt like I was running on empty – long hours, relentless stress and barely a moment to catch my breath.

Now, my mornings couldn’t be more different.

I start the day with a peaceful and scenic run or a morning Hyrox class, followed by a commute so short I don’t even have time to start my audiobook. Moments like these remind me just how far I’ve come – emotionally and geographically.

After a few years of navigating the pressures of teaching geography in an inner-city secondary school, I made the life-changing decision to move to the Isle of Man, where I was born and grew up.

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