
Student Behaviour Report 2024

Over a third of teachers - and almost half of secondary school teachers - expect behaviour to be worse this year than last.

More than one in four teachers are looking to leave the profession because pupil behaviour has become so bad and many fear the problem is only going to get worse with rising instances not just from the pupils but from their parents too, according to this Bett report.

More than half (53 per cent) say up to a fifth of students routinely disregard school rules, 30 per cent deal with a 'disruptive incident' in their class every 10 minutes - and 10 per cent say it happens once every five minutes.

This can range from 'chatter', an inability to sit still, disrespect to the teacher and/or other students, unauthorised mobile phone use - with social media the main cause - and answering back.

The report found 87 per cent of teachers think pupils are addicted to their phones and 88 per cent think mobiles are a distraction for them.

As a result of the growing problems, 27 per cent of the 1,000 teachers surveyed, said they are looking to leave the profession as a result of the growing discipline problem.

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