This government Audit examines how people of different backgrounds are treated across areas including health, education, employment and the criminal justice system.
The report provides an overview of the main findings from the Audit. As well as a review of each topic, the report presents an overview of disparities that have most impact across all aspects of people’s lives. This analysis helps to understand and assess differences between ethnic groups, and to identify those public services where disparities are diminishing and those where work is needed to develop effective strategies to reduce disparities between ethnic groups.
Key Findings:
There are disparities between ethnic groups in all areas of life affected by public organisations. Some are more pronounced than others or have a greater impact on people’s life chances and quality of life. In some areas, disparities are reducing, while in others, they are static or increasing.
The UK has become more ethnically diverse. The proportion of people identifying as White British in England and Wales decreased from 87.4% in 2001 to 80.5% in 2011.