This has been a lucky year for Pete Wells. It seems he can't put a foot wrong. He is the creator of animated stories and resources for children and adults with severe or profound learning difficulties or disabilities. His creations are featured on Inclusive Stories, a sensory stories platform by Inclusive Technology. They won the BETT award, the Education Resources Award for Best Special Needs Product and to cap it all, Pete won Hartlepool Heroes Teacher of the Year in June.

Sensory stories are simple stories that are augmented with sensory props. The props encourage engagement, exploration, interaction, and a range of other prerequisite skills. Pete pioneered the inclusive story, choosing to support his sensory stories with an on-screen accessible animated version, to promote cause and effect and improve comprehension.
He also wanted to empower his classes. Learners can watch and interact with the stories on an iPad, a desktop with mouse and keyboard, touch screens and interactive classroom displays or via a switch or eye gaze technology. They stimulate the audience because they involve all the senses so there are things to touch, smell and taste as well as activities that encourage them to make noises, hit switches or musical instruments or shout.
Meet an unlikely superhero
'McTavish held his arm aloft, and filled the loch with ease,
There are some free stories on Pete's podcast site. TeachingTimes opted for the tale of Sweaty Pits McTavish which comes with a wealth of downloadable resources. An excel spreadsheet lists smells from aftershave and aloe vera through to ylang ylang and zebras to give teachers ideas for suitable stinks as well as the range of exotic antiperspirant smells available these days. It also introduces the topic of personal hygiene in a fun way.