
SEND And Exclusion – Prevention Rather Than Cure

While exclusion rates are on the rise in England, the Cumbria Education Trust has managed not to permanently exclude a single pupil with an EHCP since its inception. Sonia Blandford outlines the lessons to be learned.
Teacher sitting around a table with pupils


Exclusions in England have steadily risen in recent years.[1] Government figures indicate the highest increase is with children identified with SEND:

In autumn term 2022/23, there were 3,100 permanent exclusions. This is an increase from 2,100 in autumn 2021/22 but is slightly lower than the final pre-pandemic autumn term (2019/20) when there were 3,200 permanent exclusions.

Suspensions have also increased:

There were 247,400 suspensions in autumn term 2022/23. This is also an increase compared to the previous autumn term when there were 183,800 suspensions and is higher than the final pre-pandemic autumn term when there were 178,400 suspensions. Suspensions are typically higher in autumn term than in spring and summer.

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