
Future of Education Report 2023

This report found that whilst 19% of children are using AI to learn at school, just 6% of children say they are actually being taught about the technology in school.

This new study by GoStudent has revealed that kids in the UK have already fallen behind the rest of Europe in using AI technology, with just a third (32%) of them using it to learn in school or at home.

Children in Austria are leading the continent with 43% already using AI technology to learn, followed by those in Italy (41%) and Spain (40%), according to the report.

The report found that whilst 19% of children are using AI to learn at school, just 6% of children say they are actually being taught about the technology in school.

The report identified that children would like a greater focus on emerging technologies in their education, with six out of ten 14-16 year olds (59%) saying it's important for schools to use more adaptive learning in the next five years. It also revealed that children value the support technology as a whole can bring to their learning, with four out of five (81%) children in the UK saying technology makes it easier to learn and more than three-quarters (77%) feeling technology helps them to develop their creativity.

Parents do not feel armed to support their children, with just a quarter (25%) saying they have a good understanding of how to operate and use AI. They were keen that their children get the support they need from teachers. In total, more than eight out of ten parents (87%) agree that teachers should be skilled in using digital technology within the classroom.

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