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Whether you are blind, partially sighted, dyslexic or have another disability that makes you unable to read standard print, Calibre Audio Library brings the joy of audio books to everyone.
Calibre was set up over 40 years ago by a mother whose partially sighted son struggled to read the printed word. To solve the problem, she set up an audio library so he could enjoy books just like his friends. Since then, Calibre Audio Library has grown into a national charity that has over 14,000 members across the UK.
Why are audio books so important?
‘Audio books enable children with dyslexia and other print disabilities to develop literacy skills. They enhance their learning and they can reap the same rewards from reading as others. Audio books can be used as a replacement to reading print or as a supplement. Regular reading alongside listening allows the reader to make relationships between the sounds and print, improves word recognition and increases reading speed’ says Michael Lewington, Director of Calibre Audio Library.
Struggling readers often have a comprehension age higher than their reading age. This means that audio books can be an equaliser. By bridging the gap between comprehension and reading levels, audio books can be an important tool in a child’s growth.