Only 1 in 10 teachers in the UK have a good understanding of dyslexia, according to this report by Made By Dyslexia. It highlights how dyslexia has been swept under the carpet for decades. 1 in 5 people are dyslexic – that is 1.55 billion people.
The report highlights the importance of training all teachers in dyslexia, revealing that 43% of schools in the UK fail to understand dyslexic challenges and 80% of dyslexics are leaving schools undiagnosed.
It found that only 1 in 10 teachers have a good understanding of dyslexic strengths, with 78% of UK students left to muddle through with support that is average, poor or non-existent. 80% of the UK population describe the process of identifying dyslexia as difficult or not possible, with only 3% of UK schools screen for dyslexia, indicating that there is much more that could and should be done to support and help teachers and dyslexics in the classrooms.
43% of teachers say their schools don’t understand dyslexic challenges, resulting in school failures and only 3% of schools in the UK screen for dyslexia. Less than the 4% of schools that screen globally.
There is global consensus on how to spot, support and empower dyslexic children. There is also global consensus that almost all can thrive in a mainstream setting if the right support is put in place. But despite this, support in schools remains patchy at best, and non-existent in places due to the lack of teacher training and the reluctance to identify dyslexic children.