Professional Development
Professional Development – what works in professional learning
Professional development is crucial in the world of teaching. Professional development within education is all about the improvement of teacher performance, mainly within a school setting. With articles, research and ‘how to’ guides on implementing new professional learning strategies and projects.
In our professional development articles for teachers, we look at how to develop teachers as researchers, the importance of reflective practice, understanding the special skills required for teaching children with special needs and how to deliver emerging pedagogies like project-based and exploratory learning. We also look at the special skills required by different levels of leadership in schools and how to develop teaching assistants to their fullest potential. Improving subject teaching is emerging as an increasingly important theme.

Teacher Identity: Crucial To Becoming An Educator
What is a 'teacher identity', and why is it essential to becoming an educator? Aisling Waters explores the importance of negotiating teacher identities in preservice teacher education.

Why The New Curriculum Needs Classics
Gráinne Cassidy, Katrina Kelly and Judith Mossman make the case for Classics and the breadth and coherence they can bring to the curriculum.

Creating An Ambitious Curriculum For Every Young Person
How can we ensure the new curriculum meets our children's aspirations? Mary Myatt draws on the voices of learners to emphasise the need to maintain a broad, rich and demanding curriculum.