Can AI Revolutionise Primary Schools?

The launch of new, accessible AI software promises benefits for teachers and pupils alike. Glenys Hart explores how primary schools are taking advantage.
Side profile of children in a classroom using computers

Ever since the public release of ChatGPT in February 2023, artificial intelligence (AI) has begun revolutionising learning in many primary schools around the world. With the newer Google BARD and Claude 2 now emerging and a further AI product from Apple pending, it feels as if the movement is advancing with dizzying speed. But this is only the tip of the iceberg for schools.

How Can We Use AI In Primary Schools?

In simple terms, AI is the science of making machines that can think like humans. Most important to educators are large language models (LLM), which are AI systems that can create different types of content – including text, images and code – by extrapolating from patterns learned from being 'trained' on vast swathes of data available online.

Although software featuring AI tools is already being used unknowingly in forward-thinking schools, few teachers are taking advantage of LLMs like ChatGPT. The software is already capable of developing lesson plans and cross-curricular work, as well as creating graphics, images and sounds that will stimulate children. It is equally possible to allow children to access LLMs via computers and tablets to research concepts and create images themselves. As we will see below, this is only the beginning of the uses that primary school teachers are already finding for AI.

Personalised Learning

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