ENABLE – Enhancing Attainment in Basic Literacy

Original price was: £195.00.Current price is: £125.00.

Enable will give your teaching assistants the skills and tools to significantly boost literacy for struggling readers.

This video-supported training programme is based on 10 years’ research and development by Sandwell Inclusion and has been shown to raise children’s reading ages by up to two years.

Enable is a small group literacy intervention programme that significantly helps primary school-aged children who are experiencing difficulties with comprehension, spelling and reading accuracy. It uses synthetic phonics and the acquisition of sight vocabulary to support pupils’ comprehension and fluency. It then embeds these skills by reading meaningful texts with the children.

Featured in Greg Brooks’ 2007 publication What Works for Children with Literacy Difficulties, Enable has been shown to increase significant gains in reading and spelling for children using the scheme.

Moreover it is now updated to conform to Letters and Sounds guidance.

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