Annual Primary Assessment – Year 3 Master Pack
Each assessment covers the age-appropriate objectives for reading, writing and mathematics, as set down in the new National Curriculum.
Reading Assessment elements:
- Comprehension based on Aesop’s fables and a poem
- Reading for meaning
National Curriculum objectives covered:
- Understand the meaning of words in context
- Check for sense
- Draw inferences
- Justify inferences e.g. about motives
- Make reasoned predictions
- Identify the main idea
- Summarise ideas
- Identify how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning
- Retrieve and record information
- Identify themes and connections
- Discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination
Writing Assessment elements:
- Three writing tasks
- Grammar and punctuation
- A test of spelling
National Curriculum objectives covered:
- Organise paragraphs around a theme
- Create settings, characters and plot
- In non-narrative material, use simple organisational devices such a key sentences
- Demarcate sentences correctly
- Use capital letters correctly
- Use commas correctly
- Extend the range of sentences with more than one clause
- Use variations on the simple present and past tenses e.g. present perfect
- Understand the terms noun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction and preposition
- Express time, place and cause effectively in sentences
- Use nouns and pronouns appropriately
- Use expanded noun phrases
- Use inverted commas in speech
- Choose a or an
- Use prefixes and suffixes correctly
- Distinguish between common homophones
- Spell words that are often misspelt
- Use the possessive apostrophe correctly
- Increase the legibility, consistency and quality of their handwriting
- A range of spellings drawn from the National Curriculum Year 3 and 4 Spelling appendix
Mathematics Assessment elements:
Organised in strands to reveal patterns of strength and weakness in different topics. This will be helpful for arranging help and catch-up afterwards.
- Arithmetic
- Measurement, Geometry and Statistics
National Curriculum objectives covered:
- Number and place value
- Addition and subtraction
- Multiplication and division
- Fractions
- Measurement
- Geometry
- Statistics