Events such as this are scary for us as adults, and even scarier for children as they try to understand and process what is happening, whether they are caught up directly or indirectly. It can be difficult for us as teachers, parents, librarians, or other adults who work with or care for children and young people to know how best to talk about these issues with them. My column this time highlights some of the books that could be useful with this, in helping children understand what is going on, learn to be kinder, see the good in the world. As March also sees International Women’s Day, I’ve also included a few books that celebrate what women can achieve.

The Week at Worlds End
Written by Emma Carroll
Faber £7.99 2021
ISBN: 978-0571332830
Set against the backdrop of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the unfolding tensions between Russia and America on the global stage, this is also the story of two friends Ray and Stevie who discover Anna, a girl hiding in the garden and their attempts to find out who she is and then to help protect her. Excellent writing, well drawn characters and a story that grips the reader from start to finish – it is also a story about facing your fears, friendship and making your own voice heard. Given the current situation between Russia and Ukraine, this is also a book that could be very useful in discussing some of the issues that children might be worrying about.
For ages: 9 – 13

Saving The Butterfly
Written by Helen Cooper
Illustrated by Gill Smith
Walker Books £12.99 2022
ISBN: 9781406397208
A little boy and his older sister are refuges, rescued from a boat and have nothing left but each other as they try to settle into a new life and a new home. The little one makes new friends and learns to laugh again but his older sister finds it hard to let go of the shadows from the past. It’s only when she tries to set a butterfly free that she learns to face her fears and start to reach out for her new life. A beautiful book with a gentle and reassuring message of hope.
For ages 5+

When Can I Go Back to School
Written by Anna Friend
Illustrated by Jake Biggens
Scholastic £6.99 2021
ISBN: 978-07702311918
When school suddenly shuts one day, Billy is worried what will happen next and will things ever return to how they were before? Originally written to help children understand and deal with anxieties they might have had as a result of the sudden changes brought by lockdown. However, it is a really good example for using to help children deal with sudden changes. At the back of the book, there are some mindfulness exercises, further information, and sources of support as well as ideas for activities that children can do. Part of the Big Little Hearts series, designed to help children deal with pivotal moments in their lives.
For ages: 5+

Talking History – 150 Years of Speakers and Speeches
Written by Joan Haig and Joan Lennon
Illustrated by André Ducci
Templar £15.99 2022
ISBN: 978-1787417328
We all know how powerful words can be and how influential, speeches have been throughout history. This brings together 16 speeches by both women and men from across the world addressing a range of issues from politics, human rights to freedoms and climate change. Each chapter introduces the reader to a speech e.g., Emmeline Pankhurst Freedom or Death in 1913 or Greta Thunberg Our House in on Fire in 2019 and tells the story of who made it and why.
It’s an enjoyable and fascinating book, and its graphic novel style format encourages readers to think about and further explore the speeches, their messages and the authors that wrote them.
For ages 8 – 12

Thank You for the Little Things
Written by Caryl Hart
Illustrated by Emily Hamilton
Bloomsbury £6.99 March 2022
ISBN: 978-15266 38908
A lovely, reassuring, rhyming picture book that suggests that when we feel sad or bad days, that we should think of all the little things that can make us smile or bring us joy and happiness, such as bubbles in the bath, a dog or a ladybird landing on your hand. A good message to help children focus on the things they can be thankful for each day.
For ages 3 – 7

Protest – How people have come together to change the world
Written by Alice and Emily Haworth-Booth
Illustrated by Emily Haworth – Booth
Pavillion £14.99 2021
ISBN: 978-1843654582
Recently we have seen peaceful protests being staged across the world and many children too are more likely than ever to make a peaceful stand against what they believe is wrong in the world. This is an excellent look at the history of protest and how those protests have changed our world for the better. Divided into themed chapters the book explores some of the protest movements from 1170 BCE when workers on the pyramids in Egypt went on strike for more food, right up to the present day with the school strikes for climate change. The book also looks at methods of protest, including theatrical interventions, singing protests, guerrilla gardening and tree-sitting. Featuring graphic style illustrations this offers much that could be used for discussion with children
For ages: 7 – 11

Women Who Led The Way – Great Explorers and Adventurers
Written and illustrated by Mick Manning and Brita Granström
Otter Barry Books £12.99 2022
ISBN: 978-1913074432
A wonderful book highlighting the courage, determination, and power of women explorers from all over the world, highlighting their travel and discoveries and demonstrating what women have achieved. 34 women are featured including Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space, Barbara Hillary, the first African American woman to reach the South and North Poles and Caroline Herschel the astronomer who discovered eight comets. Each double page spread features a female explorer and is beautifully illustrated.
For ages: 7 – 11
This Girl Can Do Anything
Written by Stephanie Stansbie
Illustrated by Hazel Quintanella
Little Tiger £11.99 2022
ISBN: 978-1801041874

I am Ruby and I know what I want – Sometimes other people don’t agree but I’m just being ME” so begins this fantastic picture book celebrating everything that Ruby can do. She manages to overcome any challenges she faces to achieve what she puts her mind to – nothing is going to stop her. Gorgeous retro style illustrations add additional energy and life to the text, and I particularly enjoyed the end pages which feature small cameos of Ruby in action. A wonderfully empowering book celebrating strong girls – I LOVED it.
For ages 3 – 6
Sometimes – A Book of Feelings
Written by Stephanie Stansbie
Illustrated by Elisa Paganelli
Scholastic £6.99 2022
ISBN: 978-1788819381
The story, written in rhyme, follows a brother and sister as they deal with the highs and lows of their emotions throughout the day. Beautifully illustrated this is a great introduction for children as to how they can manage difficult feelings such as fear, anger, peace, and joy. The book also includes some top tips on how we can help children manage these feelings.

For ages: 3 -6

The Smile
Written and illustrated by Marie Voight
Oxford University Press £11.99 2022
ISBN: 978-1801310802
A heart-warming story about the power of a simple smile and the impact it can make on people’s lives. I love the message it gives – that “A smile is a gift . From one face to another. We never run out of smiles to give.” Yet that one smile we give can be an act of kindness that makes a big difference to someone else.
For ages 2+
Annie Everall Director, Authors Aloud UK
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