This Estyn report has found that the Welsh Junior Apprenticeship program has been a success for many students who struggle in traditional classrooms.
The Welsh Junior Apprenticeship program allows 14 and 15 year olds to attend college full-time for vocational training while still working towards core qualifications.
Colleges offering the program were found to have strong student engagement and high success rates in vocational courses. However, some students struggled with core subjects like English and Math, especially when taught in separate classes at their old schools. The review suggests inconsistencies in how these core classes are delivered, with some failing to utilise the vocational context that resonates with students in their college courses.
Collaboration appears to be a key factor in the program's success. The report highlights the importance of strong communication between colleges, schools, and local authorities to ensure a smooth transition for students entering the program and allows for tailored support plans. Additionally, the report highlights the need for more consistent information sharing within schools about the program itself. Currently, some students and parents only learn about the Junior Apprenticeship option through word-of-mouth.
Many participants reported a shift in attitude towards learning, moving from disengagement in traditional settings to a more enthusiastic and ambitious approach. This positive impact, coupled with the program's effectiveness in re-engaging students, suggests the Welsh Junior Apprenticeship Scheme offers a valuable alternative pathway.